Ejabberd rabbitmq
Ejabberd rabbitmq

ejabberd rabbitmq

systemctl enable epmd.socket rvice rabbitmq-serverģ. I was trying to enable SSL in rabbitmq-server but it requires epmd to run. Lemenkov(a), rhbugs(a), s(a)shk.ioĮxternal Bug ID: Red Hat Bugzilla 1293128 Summary: Erlang Port Mapper Daemon Activation Socket fails toĬC: erlang(a), jeckersb(a), This, we can stop running it with /usr/bin/bash in the systemd unit. This is a good opportunity to write an SELinux policy for ejabberd. "/var/lib/ejabberd" -ejabberd log_rate_limit 100 log_rotate_size 10485760 usr/lib64/erlang -progname erl -home /var/lib/ejabberd -noshell -noinput -noshell -noinput -mnesia dir

ejabberd rabbitmq

Lemenkov(a), martin(a),Įjabberd won't start with SELinux enforcing on Rawhide. QA Contact: extras-qa(a)ĬC: erlang(a), jeremy(a), worlds largest voice over ATM network Amazon SimpleDB (EC2) Facebook Chat (1 billion messages/day) T-Mobile SMS CouchDB/Ejabberd/RabbitMQ. PS: It would also be great to have some suggestions on books to read for understanding the basics of server management/architecture/tuning.Summary: ejabberd won't start with SELinux enforcing on Rawhide What kind of measurements can be done on the frontend/backend to get an idea?.load balancing the http server (although I am a bit doubtful about this since New Relic shows almost negligible time spent in request queuing.).whether it's time to move stuff to their own servers, probably they may be competing for resources on the single machine?.whether switching to nginx will improve performance.Is there a systematic approach that can be followed to arrive at the bottleneck. In relative terms, currently Erlang has the most momentum and real-world success stories (ejabberd, RabbitMQ, Couchdb, Riak and of course Erickson) so that. We have moved static files to be served from CDN (which had improved performance significantly) and had also logged slow queries and optimized by creating indexes which again resulted in overall perf gain although I plan to do the exercise tomorrow again. Per day, it's serves an average of 200k requests (this figure is obtained from access logs) At any time apache has the max process count (around 40) and using 700-800 MB of memory so my guess is that it's doing most of the work. Besides, apache also serves some (very few) static files and proxies the BOSH requests to ejabberd. One thing I should mention is that a single machine is used for hosting everything - apache2, mysql, ejabberd, rabbitmq, mongodb, the message queue workers and the python web app served by apache2 using mod_wsgi. It's running on a Ubuntu 10.04 instance (2 GB memory + 4 GB Swap). I am having a hard time figuring out what is the exact bottleneck. (20-30 secs later) B receives the two messages together (not as a single message but without any noticeable time interval between them)Īpart from the chat, the other parts of the web application work fine. The main problem we are facing is that sometimes it takes a long time for messages to reach the other end (~30 secs or so) while otherwise they reach in no time. It uses StropheJS to connect to Ejabberd server over BOSH (using ejabberd's default connection manager). I am working on a one-to-one chat application running in production.

Ejabberd rabbitmq